What’s your background? What got you into rap music?
My background is Guyanese and Jamaican. Growing up I was around people who were into making music I picked it up and found it was something I’m good at so I kept pushing at it.

How do you put words to paper? What’s your creative process like?
My writing process consists of me finding a beat that I like and vibing to it also freestyling till I say something I should write down and start a song out Of it.
What strengths do you have that you believe make you a standout from other musicians?
Some strengths I can say I have that make me stand out is that I’m very versatile, I can get on many different genres and flows. I also know where I want to go with music and know my limits .
How do you see your sound evolving in the next couple of years?
I’ve been perfecting my craft but I believe I’ll elevate as I keep working on my sound.
What thing or person motivates you the most to wake up every morning and go hard at pursing your dream of becoming a musician?
My motivation comes from my family , my girl , also I don’t like to quit .
What music advice would you give your younger self?
I would tell my younger self to stay focused and consistent and release content.
Where can people connect & stay up to date with you with you on social?
Everyone can find me at 24bg on all platforms and 24bg_ on social.