A two-time Guinness World Record rapper will be at Lower Mainland schools teaching black history to students.

Duane DO Gibson will launch on his third annual Black Canadian History School Tour called Black music 365 on Tuesday, January 10th and will be at Chilliwack, Langley, Aldergrove, Maple Ridge and Fort Langley.
Duane DO Gibson who is a Canadian rapper utilizes hip-hop to teach black history to scholars from kindergarten to 12th grade.
“I go to schools and I’ve spoken about the history of ''black people'', but I’ve always contained music as a way for kids to bond with the message and them,” Gibson said from a Detroit, Michigan recording studio where he ware making his new video, as well Black music 365.
A two-time Guinness World Record Canadian artist will be at Lower Mainland schools guiding students to understand the black history.
Duane DO Gibson will undertake on his third annual Black Canadian History School Tour named Black music 365 on Tuesday January 10th and will make it to at Chilliwack, Langley, Aldergrove, Maple Ridge and Fort Langley.
The Canadian artist was always doing hip-hop to teach black history to students from kindergarten through 12th grade.
“I go to schools and I’ve spoken with students about black history, but I’ve always had music as a way for kids to bond with the message and them,” Gibson told from a Detroit, Michigan recording studio where he was making his new video, as well Black music 365.

“I prefer the abilty to speak to kids and giving them a better knowledge and context of the story,” he stated, in addition that use of the N-word is growing among young kids these days, but, he clarified, it isn’t because they’re racist, they often don’t understand real meaning of the word.
That’s why he believes it’s important to let everyone know the true black history.
Gibson will also talk about the Colored Hockey League, an all-black men’s hockey league started in Nova Scotia in 1895, and the first black hockey participant in the National Hockey League, Willie O’Ree. He also talks about Josiah Henson, who exited slavery in the United States in 1830 and fly to Canada via the subway .
He detected himself as a rapper for a long time. Then one day his friend advised him to set a world record – and he did.
Gibson’s goal is for every Canadians to comprehend about Canadian history.
Gibson’s tour will travel around Canada, with a final concert on May 3rd in West Hants, Nova Scotia.
DO GIBSON – BLACK MUSIC 365 TOUR of the Lower Mainland:
• Presentations are for students of the respective school and are not open to the public
January 10, 2023 – Chilliwack, BC – Imagine High Integrated Arts and Technology School
January 10, 2023 – Langley, BC – Gordon Greenwood Elementary School
January 11, 2023 – Chilliwack, BC – GW Graham Secondary
January 11, 2023 – Chilliwack, BC – Chilliwack Secondary
January 12, 2023 – Aldergrove, BC – North Otter Elementary School
January 12, 2023 – Fort Langley, BC – Langley Fine Arts School
January 13, 2023 – Port Coquitlam, BC – Maple Creek Middle School
January 13, 2023 – Maple Ridge, BC – Samuel Robertson Technical Secondary
January 16 – January 20, 2023 – Burnaby, BC – Michael J Fox Theater
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